NEOED 2024 Hiring Report


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NEOED’s 2024 Hiring Report documents the ongoing hiring crisis in education hiring and recruitment. Although the number of open jobs decreased slightly and more people viewed and applied for education jobs overall, there is still significant work to be done to get the education workforce back on track.

Why This Report is a Must-Read for Education HR Professionals:

Insightful Data: For this report, we analyzed data from over 1.3M applications on NEOED’s Insight applicant tracking system.

Key Takeaways:

  • Expanding candidate sourcing
  • Increasing job appeal
  • Optimizing the hiring process
  • and more!

Without immediate course correction, the future of the education workforce hangs in the balance. This report outlines a path forward, offering strategies to expand job sourcing, enhance job appeal, and optimize the hiring process.

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